We hope you find just what you’re looking for in the below listings for Florence Italy kids activities.
Cooking Classes and Culinary Experiences
Movies and Theater
Odeon Firenze
English movies Monday – Thursday
Piazza Strozzi
Art Classes for Kids in Florence
Arte al Sole
Arte al Sole offers kids art workshops and art activities in the city, as well as art kids camps in Florence
Amusement Parks, Aquariums, Arcades, Bowling, Mini Golf, Zoos
Antique Carousel
Piazza della Repubblica
Gad-Eurobed Sala Giochi
Via Nazionale 150/r
50123 Firenze
tel: 055 496537
Piccolo Mondo Fun Park
Via Delle Palanche
email. info@piccolomondo.it
website. www.piccolomondo.it
Children’s Lending Library of Florence
Open Sept.-May, Sun. 10:00-1:00, Mon. 11:00-12:00, Wed. 11:00-1:30 & 4:00-6:00
St. James Church undercroft
Via B. Rucellai 9
tel. 328 328 2757
email. childrenslendinglibrary@gmail.com
website. childrenslibrary.altervista.org
Playcenters and Playgroups
Firenze Moms4Moms Network
A network of English-speaking mothers in Florence and surrounding area organized with the goal of maintaining children’s English language ability
email. infotiscali@firenzemoms4moms.net
website. www.firenzemoms4moms.net